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It makes good sense to have a tailored code of conduct (or code of ethics) to help ensure compliance in your organisation. We work with you to identify the risks and the topics that need to be covered. We help you compose the code so that it is effective with your audience. We can advise you on disseminating and communicating the code among employees and other stakeholders as appropriate for your unique situation. A code of conduct is only the first step in Read More
Many companies are engaging in sustainability reporting and publishing formal reports on their corporate responsibility and and sustainability.
The EU Green Deal and the related requirements which will arise from the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) will require many more companies in Europe to report on key sustainability metrics and to include this information within their annual reports. If you fall into the criteria of a company that will be required to report you need to be preparing for this now.
Even organisations that have engaged in reporting to date will likely face the need to overhaul existing systems and processes.
Smaller organisations are also finding that their larger customers are demanding similar measurement and reporting from them.
Preparing to report can be a daunting task. How can you report effectively for your organisation? How do you determine materiality? What should you measure? Read More
Many companies engage in corporate philanthropy and make charitable donations supporting good causes. Some companies enable volunteering by employees. The smart companies give in a way that also creates benefit for their business. They design employee volunteering programmes that are aligned with their business, using core skills to help charities or enabling employees develop new skills and improve confidence and self-esteem.
Strategic philanthropy is better for your business and for the cause you are supporting. It’s about getting to the root causes of social problems and enabling visionary solutions to make a better society. Read More
You’re probably already doing lots of great things in your organisation in relation to Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR strategy. How can you align these so that they create the most benefit for your business?
GMJ Associates can help you develop your CSR strategy and prioritise the things that are most important for your unique situation. Using our Strategic CSR Decision Framework we will work with you to identify what you can do to create maximum value and maximum impact for both your business and the society in which you operate.
You avoid spending money on things that are just nice to do but lack impact and focus your budget on what gives long-term pay back and aligns with the vision and values of your organisation.
Contact us today to discuss how we can help you develop your best-fit CSR strategy.
The Protected Disclosures Act 2014 provided for a framework of statutory protections for whistleblowers in Ireland. The Act has been substantially overhauled by the Protected Disclosures (Amendment) Act 2022, which came into operation on January 1st 2023. Previously only public bodies were mandated to have a policy and reporting channels but now this applies to all employers with more than 50 employees and to smaller organisations in some specific sectors. The legislation has strict requirements for follow-up, feedback and the protection of the identity of a reporting person.
Do you have an fit-for-purpose whistle blowing policy and process that meets the legislative requirements in your organisation? Have you appointed designated persons to receive reports? Do your employees know where to go with disclosures? Do they understand their options? Do managers in your organisation know how to act on receipt of reports? Do people in your workplace understand that there must be no retaliation against whistle blowers or anyone connected to them?
Get in touch to discuss how we can help you ensure your organisation is in compliance with the law. We also offer training for designated persons, managers and board members, briefing of staff to help them understand what a protected disclosure is (and what it’s not) and build awareness of the internal reporting process.
GMJ Associates are GoodCorporation assessors. The GoodCorporation Standard was created to help organisations to manage, measure and develop their management practices in light of increasing scrutiny of corporate responsibility. Based on a set of core principles devised Read More